Visit the Project Resources below for prior meeting videos and presentations.
Project Overview
Quick Links: Project Resources | Interactive Map
The Valley Boulevard Multi-Modal Transportation Improvement Project envisions transformative corridor improvements for all modes of transportation, including auto, bus, bicycle and pedestrian activities along the corridor. With this project, City of Los Angeles Bureau of Engineering, in partnership with Councilmember Kevin De León (Council District 14), aims to improve transit service, connectivity and ridership as well as increase safe access for travelers to employment centers, educational facilities, healthcare facilities, parks and recreational centers in the area. Valley Boulevard would thus become a high-quality, regional multi-modal mobility corridor to the communities in the City of Los Angeles and neighboring jurisdictions.
Mobility Improvement Concepts
- Incorporate Vision Zero features to increase safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all
- Improve walkability and accessibility features throughout the corridor
- Look at Class IV protected bike lanes and gap closures
- Manage on-street parking
- Develop Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) concepts and facilities
- Alleviate delays and improve safety by grade separating rail crossings
Environmental Clearance
The Valley Boulevard Multi-Modal Transportation Improvement project is one of many projects funded by the 710 N Freeway Mobility Improvement program. As part of the overall final Environmental process, LA Metro’s Board selected the Transportation System Management / Transportation Demand Management (TSM/TDM) as the Preferred Alternative. Selection of this alternative allowed for multiple, local projects, including Valley Boulevard. The Valley Boulevard project is seeking a Categorical Exclusion from Caltrans, and the City of Los Angeles plans to file a Categorical Exemption for the project.
Below are documents and links related to the project.
October 12th, 2023
- English Community Meeting Video
- Spanish Community Meeting Video
- English Presentation
- Spanish Presentation
June 21st, 2023
April 26th, 2022
May 4th, 2021
Interactive Map
Quick Links: Project Overview | Project Resources | Back to Top
The Valley Boulevard Multi-Modal Transportation Improvement Project is a five-mile stretch connecting the northern end of the I-710 freeway with Union Station in Downtown Los Angeles, via Valley Boulevard and North Mission Road. The portion of Valley Boulevard from Soto Street to I-710 is a heavily traveled, four-lane roadway that runs east to west, parallel to the I-10 freeway and serves a mix of land uses, including commercial, industrial, institutional, recreational and residential.