Project Overview
Quick Links: Project Resources | Interactive Map
Eastern Avenue is a centrally located and highly used street with treasured El Sereno institutions. The Eastern Avenue Multi-Modal Transportation Improvement Project will transform and improve Eastern Avenue by building upon the Envision Eastern project to improve safety for pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, and drivers, increasing accessibility to El Sereno institutions for families.
The City of Los Angeles Bureau of Engineering, in partnership with Councilmember Kevin De León (Council District 14), will provide infrastructure improvements including street improvements to increase safety and mobility, pedestrian and bike facilities, transit accessibility improvements, and other traffic safety enhancements to improve the connectivity of the surrounding residential areas to the community parks, schools, and small businesses that bring life to Eastern Avenue.
Mobility Improvement Concepts
- Incorporate Vision Zero features to increase safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all
- Improve walkability and accessibility features throughout the corridor
- Implementation of a bike network
- Manage on-street parking
Environmental Clearance
The Eastern Avenue Multimodal Transportation Improvement project is one of many projects funded by the 710 N Freeway Mobility Improvement program. As part of the overall final Environmental process, LA Metro’s Board selected the Transportation System Management / Transportation Demand Management (TSM/TDM) as the preferred alternative. Selection of this alternative allowed for multiple, local projects, including Eastern Avenue. The following link provides access to the final environmental documents of the State Route (SR-)710 North Mobility Improvement program: https://www.metro.net/projects/sr-710-mobility-improvements.
The Eastern Avenue project is seeking a Categorical Exclusion from Caltrans, and the City of Los Angeles plans to file a Categorical Exemption for the project.
Below are documents and links related to the project.
November 3rd, 2021
Interactive Map
Quick Links: Project Overview | Project Resources | Back to Top
The Eastern Avenue Multi-Modal Transportation Improvement Project is a 1.5-mile-long neighborhood corridor connecting the critical transit corridors of Huntington Drive and Valley Boulevard. Eastern Avenue is a heavily trafficked, two-lane north-bound and south-bound roadway that serves residential, commercial, institutional, and recreational land uses.