Did you miss the October 2nd meeting? Visit the Project Resources below for prior meeting videos and presentations.
Project Overview
Quick Links: Project Resources | Interactive Map
The Huntington Drive Multi-Modal Transportation Improvement Project will transform and improve the Huntington Drive corridor for all modes of transportation, including vehicle, bus, bicycles and pedestrians with enhanced access to commercial businesses, residential neighborhoods, educational facilities, recreational centers and industrial properties. LABOE in partnership with CM de León (Council District 14), plan to improve vehicular circulation, upgrade transit service and ridership, enhance bicycle and pedestrian safety and access, and integrate modern technology and travel options. Through this project, Huntington Drive would thus become a high-quality regional mobility corridor connecting various Eastside communities to Downtown Los Angeles.
The project benefits include:
- Improve mobility for all roadway users, including vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians
- Improve traffic flow and enhance safety
- Create open space
- Improve transit speed & reliability
- Support a thriving local economy
Project Gallery
The Project Phases
Phase I (2021-2022)
- 3-mile corridor feasibility study conducted from Soto Street to Kendall Avenue at the City limit.
- Initial community survey issued in summer 2021, receiving nearly 700 responses.
- Common themes: expansion of safe pedestrian amenities, increased bus shelter and sidewalk improvements (including ADA accessibility), and safer bike lanes
- Two key objectives identified: expansion of open space along the corridor and reevaluation of project assumptions and community needs.
Phase II (2023-2024):
- Aims to identify a Preferred Alternative by refining and reevaluating alternatives to meet updated project goals.
- Project study area extended to a 4-mile stretch along Mission Road, from N. Main Street to N. Soto Street.
- Summer 2024 outreach engagement efforts include: an additional community survey and two public meetings for gathering valuable community feedback
Next Phase
- Includes Project Approval & Environmental Document, advanced engineering, and implementation strategies.
- Addresses how to implement and build preferred corridor concept.
The final multi-modal alternative will be developed in accordance with current, City design standards, requirements, and proposed project goals.
Find fact sheets, survey results, videos, meeting presentation materials and more in the resources linked below. Use the zoom function for easier reading, or download files for best results.
- Fact Sheets
- Overview Fact Sheet (English | Spanish)
- Existing Conditions Fact Sheet (English | Spanish)
- Alternatives Evaluations Framework Fact Sheet (English)
- Community Meetings
- October 2, 2024
- June 26, 2024
- Community Hybrid Meeting Video (English | Spanish)
- Presentation (English | Spanish)
- In-person Station Guide (English-Spanish)
- In-person Display Materials (All English & Spanish)
- Survey Results (English | Spanish)
Interactive Map
Quick Links: Project Overview | Project Resources | Back to Top
The Huntington Drive Multi-Modal Transportation Improvement Project is a four-mile stretch connecting the City of Alhambra and South Pasadena to North Mission Road near LAC+USC Medical Center. This section of Huntington Drive is a heavily trafficked, three-lane north-bound and south-bound roadway that serves residential, commercial, institutional, recreational and industrial land uses the Huntington Drive corridor from Kendall Avenue (City limits) to N. Soto Street will be two lanes of travel in each direction, repurposing one lane of travel in each direction for pedestrian, bicycle, transit and streetscape functions.